Schedule an appointment to meet with a Qualified Medical Professional (QMP)
QMPs are registered with the Department of Health to give recommendations
for Medical Cannabis
QMPs are registered with the Department of Health to give recommendations
for Medical Cannabis
We believe in the use of cannabis and its derivatives as a successful therapeutic option for patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illness and will assist you through the process of obtaining cannabis legally.
Medical cannabis contains antispasmodic qualities which relax muscles and has shown to be an effective treatment for seizures. Cannabis oils that are rich in cannabidiol (CBD), are the preferred method for treatment.
Patients who suffer from chronic pain caused by diabetes, cancer, MS, HIV, and other diseases have been turning to medical cannabis as a way to treat their pain without the use of addictive pharmaceutical medication.
The active component of the medical cannabis plant, cannabinoids, have shown to inhibit tumor growth and kill cancer cells in lab testing. We work with a number of patients who use cannabis as adjunct therapy to treat their cancer and suppress it's side effects.
Individuals with one or more of the conditions listed in the link below are authorized under the Utah Medical Cannabis Act to receive a medical cannabis patient card.
No charge if you don't qualify.
RESTRICTIONS- Cannabis cards may not be issued to CDL drivers. We advise you to consult a Utah attorney first.
Use the link below to schedule an appointment at an official QMP site.
Note: We are currently accepting patients 21 years of age and older.
Because of concerns regarding impaired neurodevelopment, we are not accepting nursing or pregnant patients.
Once an appointment has been made an intake form will be sent to your email.
Create a Utah ID & register for a Medical Cannabis Card through the Department of Health EVS.
We will walk you through the process.
Meet with a QMP that believes in the use of cannabis and its derivatives as a successful therapeutic option for patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illness.
The medical cannabis card entitles patients to legal protection afforded by the Medical Cannabis Decriminalization Act memorialized in Utah State Code 58-37-3.7
New Card - $175 for the first 6 months or $275 for the first year.
Renewal Appointments - $100 yearly after the first year for current patients. We renew cards from any provider. There is a one time $50 transfer fee for patient that are transferring to one of our providers. New Patients must be seen in person.
Your Medical Cannabis Card will be issued electronically. Once you receive your card, you can visit a Utah Dispensary and start your treatment.
Please feel free to contact a member of our staff directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have or to get more information about the steps to obtain a Medical Cannabis Card in Utah.
3325 North University Avenue Ste 375, Provo, Utah 84604, United States
Call: 801-615-2188 Text: 801-857-1233 Fax: 801-765-4386 contact@healthylifeutah.com
By Appointment
Copyright © 2020 Medical CAnnabis of Utah - All Rights Reserved.